Monday, January 27, 2003

Guess who can't sleep?

Jeff can't sleep either. I don't think.

I had to read a monologue at auditions today. Damn it was long. Ugh...

Don't worry about players everyone. If anyone should be worried, it should be me. I'm new at it, and I'm not worried. I'm surrounded by the most talented group of individuals at CHA and Springside. You all rock. All of you players people. Jeff, Andrew, Heather, Madeline, Natalie, Nick, Tom, Steve, Rachel, Deb, and Kat. Every single one of you is amazing. You all sing, you all dance. You all have fun. You are why I am at CHA. You will all be amazing, I doubt anyone will cross that.

I will borrow a quote from Jess: "We are all fools, whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance."

Play on, dear players. Play on.


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