Sunday, February 09, 2003

Greatest car ride home ever. Just the greatest.

"I can't see anything! Everything is so much brighter. Ever since I woke up." - Jeff saying as he walks to what he thinks is Tom's car, but what is actually what turns out to be the same color, but wrong car.

"It looks orange." - Jeff, referring to the color of Tom's maroon colored car.

"Whip them out!" - Tom, talking to Jeff and I.

"What if they changed it to Bob's Women?" - Jeff
"Well, then you'd have to order take out." - Nick? Tom? Me?

Me: "Hey look! That guy has DHC on his license plate! That's almost DHCP!"
Nick: "DHCP...DHCP...hmm...what does that stand for again?"
Jeff: "What the hell is a DHCP?"
Me: "It's a type of server."
Jeff: "OOOoooo, blah blah blah blah blah blah." <- I wasn't paying attention anymore, I was being a geek with Nick and Tom by this point.
Nick, Tom, and Me "We got it! It only took three geeks too!"

"I thought that said 'Bum Center'"! - Tom

"Hey, we should all go out and pretend to talk on our cell phones right in front of that sign. " - Me, referring to the sign that said "No cell phones beyond this point."

And then you had your random fish, love, and other weird jokes.


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