Friday, February 14, 2003

i keep forgetting that people don't like vague and usually don't get it anyway. so i'll be direct and blunt:

i have a boyfriend. cancer, matt, whatever you choose to call him, and i have been together since last friday night (saturday morning?).

i'm disgustingly happy.

tonite we made out in the meat isle of the supermarket. i love that i can just be goofy around him.

backstory: we've been friends since freshman week. he'd been dating a girl here since then, but none of us really understood why. they broke up. we happened. it's weird and sudden, but good.

more details... well, that's what comments and questions are for, i guess.

i'm going to go curl up in bed with Neverwhere and laugh at myself for tonites pathetic disply of PDA.


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