Tuesday, February 04, 2003

I love it when teachers don't give me much homework and I actually accomplish something in study hall. I love it even more when teachers run out of class right before it starts for their sick daughter (not a happy thing), leaving Chrissy to teach...meaning we write down 2 definitions and do homework, finish in 15 minutes, and talk. Mrs. Tkac said TJ was going to check in. If he were to have checked in, he would have found: half the class still there, Sarah on the windowsill singing, maybe a few books out, but none opened or opened to the wrong page, and Heather and I talked about how there are specific ways to hold different things to smoke. You hold a cigar like this *demonstrates with thumb and forefinger, rest of fingers out*. You hold a cigarette like this *demostrates with forefinger and middle finger, rest in*. And you hold a joint like this *demonstrates with thumb, middle finger, and forefinger, rest of fingers wrapped in*. Yes, it's a technical process. But there's nothing you do with just you pinkie and ring finger or ring and middle fingers. Why?


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