Tuesday, February 18, 2003

My day is probably less eventful than yesterday. Today, I don't even have a block project to work on. Wow, that sounded pitiful. No, I don't enjoy working on it. But it was something to do, so the day had a purpose.

I'm freezing. Our heaters broken. I woke up and found my mom in the basement, on the phone with my dad trying to find the alleged "restart" button on the heater. She asked me, and I found it in two seconds flat. ::applause:: It's red, c'mon. However, it didn't work. So we do upstairs and about a half an hour later my sister wakes up, comes downstairs, asks if the heater is working. We say no, and she says, did you press the restart button? Suprised, mom and I stand there with our mouths open and say, how did you know about the restart button? Claire says very matter of factly, every heater has on, it's the big red button on the left. Right, so when did she learn so much about heaters?

I was still awake at 330 am...I was just trapped in the kitchen by my sister playing cards. Monty calls for a midnight conversation, during which the portable goes dead so I have to travel into my parents room. They decide to go to sleep and I'm kicked out for the kitchen phone. Then my sister comes in, turns on music in the playroom and begs me to cook her spaghetti. I do, hoping she'll leave me alone. But no. She's banging on the doors, rolling on the floor, laughing like a maniac, and attacking me, all while I'm on the phone, and attached to the wall by the cord. Wonderful. And after I get off, she makes me stay in the kitchen, play gin rummy and eat olives (ick).


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