Thursday, February 20, 2003

nothing of interest happened today. i'm jealous of all of you with snow.

had to sit next to matt in class, and found myself walking four paces behind him on my way home. i couldn't decide if i wanted to run and catch up with him or leave him alone. i choose leave him alone, and when he finally did notice i was behind him, i got a head nod.

this is the real downside to it. i didn't just lose a boyfriend, i feel like i've lost a best friend as well. usually when something goes wrong here, i can go to matt. even know i want to go to matt and just talk... except matt IS the problem, and i can't. i want my friend back.

the other downside is that i lose all motivation to work, and i now have something like 8 pages due for friday, none of which have been researched yet.

i want to go sledding.


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