Sunday, February 02, 2003

Phew. I worked out. It was quite intense. I did my shortest mile, which still isn't really that short; just a personal best. Then I walked & jogged about two more minutes. My face was pretty red when I was done. I also did all my weights, and crunches. Blech, I need to be in really good shape by spring break so I can look ok in Disney World. Yep. But mentally, man, I'm there now. Just the thought of it. Where am I, exactly? I'm in Animal Kingdom. It's sunny, it's warm, the brightly colored flowers are in full bloom. The birds are chirping and hopping around. I'm in shorts and a tank top, and my mom and I are about to eat at the great BBQ food place there. ::Sigh:: That is happiness, and (hoping everything goes as planned) I will be there soon.


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