Wednesday, February 12, 2003

They told us today in homeroom that we need our Last Will and Testament by Tuesday. Love the amount of notice we get. So, please help me come up with something.

Also: I finally washed the honey mustard out of my coat pocket! Yayyy!! It was really gross.

[edit] Thank you, Jeff, for developing my negatives! What a foolish roll, though. I plan to take some really good pictures in Newport, though.

[edit] They don't know what's going on with my cousin, still. She has secondary pneumonia, they might do a spinal tap, she might have meningitis (viral, I think, if any), I guess they ruled out Hepatitis? I'm not sure. She has a headache and a neckache, and I don't know if she has a fever now or what, but it was down to normal when we left the hospital last night. I think my grandmother told me they also might operate for apendicitis.

[edit] Why is it that every time I set out to write a short post, they're always long??


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