Saturday, February 08, 2003

why do i feel like i am in the middle of a re-enactment of Romeo and Juliet!? Question: Aren't friends supposed to be supportive of relationships and not try and keep you a part from one another!? I AM SO ANGRY! Grrrrr....Absolutely ridiculous....

There are so many things running through my head at this point...the past few days have been very stressful and Deb is not here to go to SLAVE with! (Tom...u've stolen her :oP***) Between attacks from "ex-boyfriend" to "i feel like my friend at college is using me for something" and now this!? My friend introduced me to one of his friends and now that we want to see each other he LITERALLY doesn't want to/won't let us! They say everything comes in threes...don't they understand that people can only handle one thing at a time? And who are THEY ?



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