Monday, March 03, 2003

Cold cold cold. Very cold. I worked out today for the first time in about three weeks! I feel rejuvinated. I printed a cool picture in photo today, but it had a fingerprint on it ('s from you...ahem, picking up the paper every five seconds when it was in the developer...GROWL).

I have a blogworthy quote...I was at Jamie's uncle's birthday party, and when we were away from the crowd for a second, Jamie asked me, totally out of the blue "Is the uterus the largest muscle in the woman's body?"

Somehow the internet has lost its appeal to me. Seriously. I haven't been online more than once each day, and then only for a few minutes.

The coolest thing about turning 18 will be that I'll legally be able to gamble. Not that I will...but I could if I wanted.


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