Sunday, March 02, 2003

home from babysitting and in fairly early for me. my few friends who are home either went to a party (and not the good kind...let's all BOO alcohol) or went to sleep early. it kinda sux when deb is in philly and i'm here!

so i came home at 11:30, but i was rudely disturbed by my sister who was dumb enuf to lie to my parents about how she was getting home tonite. she get in A LOT of trouble last year for alcohol and whatnot...(there are stories) so she's had this 11:30 curfew, and within the last 2 weeks she got it changed to 12 and tonite she messed it up for herself. dumbass. her ride never showed up so she called me to come pick her up, so i had to tell my parents i was leaving and they asked where and now she's in trouble AND i had to go out in my sheep pajamas when i was so comfy in my house. oh well.

oh, and i took the evil quiz too and i was GOOD! yay...i guess it must go with the name, right Rachel??


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