Monday, March 31, 2003

I seriously want to maime myself during spanish class. Funny, cause right over there, Carina is listening to something in Spanish, about what kids in Spain wear, and I can understand most of it. Basically I can't stand the people in my class, and it gets worse and worse every day. It's especially exaggerated, because Kaari, my Spanish buddy, wasn't there today, so I had to listen to Erynn talking about where she wants to work over the summer, and how Lindsay went to Hollywood Tans over break, and how she wants to go to the shore every weekend over the summer. The best was that Ali, as usual, was late, and didn't get in trouble, whereas I always get in trouble when I'm late. And I was chewing gum, as was at least one other person. She told me to spit my gum out, but allowed half the class to eat Blow Pops, which, as everyone knows, have gum in the center. Ok, that's totally fair.

Fuck, I seriously hate that class. We don't speak spanish, and when we do it's at a second grade level. I'm sorry, but I'm too smart for that class. I want to maime myself so that I can go to the nurse and not have to sit through that torture every day, seventh and eighth period.

And to make it all better, the day's only halfway over and I've heard six times so far about how many days we have left of school (including a 5 - 10 minute conversation about it in Spanish class). If I don't speak some real Spanish soon, I may go nuts.


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