Sunday, March 16, 2003

Pirst Fost in 5 that isn't Debra! I wasn't blogging because I wasn't home.
7 am: Wake up at Wyn's
9 - 11 am: Walnut, where one of the girls has recently smoked up and is still stoned and so goes around to everyone, sitting on their laps, saying "I looooooove yoooou!" Best moment: Mid class, she comes running from who knows where shouting "Daaaaareennn? Do you have a cuuuuup?" He says no, and asks why. She answers, "I need to pee in it!" and runs away, while someone else follows her to explain that there's this thing called "a bathroom".
1 - 4 pm: Driver's Ed. Where we're learning about how a car works. Omg, how riveting.
6 -?????: Katie's for more Robin Williams and good company.


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