Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Rants galore. I'm getting easily pissed off today.

1) Erynn's thong is never not showing. It's not even like you can only see the top part, or the sides, so you can tell she's wearing one. You can see THE ENTIRE DISGUSTING THING! For the past two days in spanish class, she's sat there with her entire thong flashing everyone behind her. At least yesterday I was able to position myself behind Ali so that it was blocked, but I wasn't so lucky today. If you're going to wear a thong, make sure your pants are high enough or your thong is low-cut enough so PEOPLE DON'T HAVE TO SEE IT! It's not attractive, it's heinously disgusting!!!!

2) People. Sooooooo many of them. And they're stupid. And they're in my FREAKING WAY! They don't understand COMMON COURTESY, and how to not walk five in a row in order to not block the whole hallway, or how to walk at a reasonable speed when a large crowd of people are behind them, or how to NOT stop in the middle of the hall and have a lengthy conversation. They also don't understand that it's polite to let people walk through doors instead of just filing through nonstop, or trying to fit through the door at the same time. PEOPLE NEED BRAINS!

3) I was looking at a magazine of prom dresses in the retreat. Kelly came up and asked if she could see it, and I had her save the page I was on, figuring she'd give it back in a second. HAHAHAHA what an IDIOT I was! She proceeded to take it and go over to a group of people and look through it for 10 minutes. I walked Jamie to the end of the hall, where I found Kat and commenced ranting about it to her. Kelly walked by and was like "oh...did you want this?" and I was just so pissed off that I said no.

Ugh. Common courtesy, people.


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