Monday, April 07, 2003

As I was walking hobbling to the train station, the sleet pelting me in the face, freezing through five layers of shirts, I realized how ironic it is that every time I wear my Strawberry Shortcake "Life Is Delicious" shirt, I have a bad day. I'm retiring that shirt.

I came home and took a nap. I put in earplugs, so when my alarm went off, even though I'd set it really loud, I didn't hear it. My mom woke me up about five or ten minutes before I had to be at play practice, so I put some meatballs in a container, had a few apple slices, and my mom drove me to play practice. She wouldn't let me drive myself because of the weather, even though I'd told her I'd be able to leave early. Bah.

In short: not the best day. I didn't go to photo because it was blizzarding, and Pete has a 20 degree rule.


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