Tuesday, April 08, 2003

i can totally sympathize with everyone who has had a shitty day today. i slept in the snow this weekend, cried, my body hurts like a mo, had to sit in a meeting with the entire a-school yelling at each other and the teachers just sat there not saying anything, then i come home and the guy who i like tells me that some girl two years older than him grabs him and makes out with him in a bar last nite (which was rather upsetting...there is more to that story tho...)

But I have two solutions for people having bad days:

1.) Take a NAP! u feel lots better
2.) Get a best friend!

I have the BESTEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!! I wish everyone had a Debra Swersky...but u have to find yur own, cuz she's mine. :o)


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