Sunday, April 13, 2003

Rachel...go where YOU think is best. That's my opinion on where you should go.

My trachea is constricting. Not really, but it feels that way. School days are rapidly diminishing, and I'm starting to panick. My neck is getting tense, and I'm getting a feeling in my stomach. I have so much to do. I still have to read another chem chapter, I have to do physio workbook stuff, I have a physio test on Friday, I have a physio exam the following week. I'll have a chem final, and probably webassign and another test, which he has yet to put on the blackboard calendar. Along with that I have to write my autobiography, and I'll basically fail if I don't get it in by blue and blue day, and I'm in the worst time crunch. Plus, I have yet to figure out my senior project schedule, because no one seems to want to tell us when the AP class schedule is, and I can't figure out the schedule until I know that. Then there are APs, the play, prom...all things I can't even really look forward to because they are so bittersweet. I'm not ready for this time to be over. I'm not ready I'm not ready I'm not ready. And the suckiest thing ever is that I'm so not ready and it's happening anyway.


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