Sunday, April 20, 2003

My block project is like taking a roadtrip through a desert.
It's an experience that one shares with friends.
It is an experience from which one grows, and changes, for better or for worse.
At the start, it's exciting, full of promise and adventure.
Along the way, it's mostly sand, vast stretches of nothingness, but here and there, you find some plants, trees, animals, and even some controlling ideas. If you're lucky, you find an oasis or a thesis statement. These are usually just mirages though.
But as the trip becomes longer, the excitement dies out, and stress sets in.
Now, this stress may be caused by the fact that you've spent so much time doing the same thing, but it's more likely that this stress is caused by the paranoia creeping over you that you may not ever reach your destination, and that you make die trying. You may die because of lack of supplies (such as water, food, or supporting evidence), or you may just simply lose your mind, and your friends will discard you on the side of the desert road as they continue on the journey. But now they've seen the worst, and they all know that it may well happen to them as well.

Perhaps I should call it quits for tonight on this paper...


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