Monday, July 21, 2003

I had a revelation.

It actually would be somewhat enjoyable to be a Backstreet Boy.

A) You could have any woman of your choice between the ages of 13 and 21. They would flock to you like bees to that half full can of coke on the street corner. The words menage a trois would become second nature, like "hi-o" or "yo baby, wanna take a ride?"
B) You'd get to sing for a living.
C) You'd be phenomenally rich as a result of said way of life.

With that said, I'm listening to the Backstreet Boys cd now. The one called Millennium. I already know all these songs by heart, all I need now is a receptive musically theatrically inclined babe ready to listen. By the way, I sang Barely Breathing to two women today and it was pretty successful.

By the way, this is MY BROTHER'S Cd I'm listening to.


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