Tuesday, July 29, 2003

public service announcement...

friday, 10:30 am to 12, 1 to 2:30... broad and south street, the arts bank.. our musical theater camp 'final show'... featuring the following

- Bobos, a wild and crazy tale of a lost soul with some 'really hip' (chuck taylors) sneakers
- Cinderella Darling, a song from how to succeed in business... yeah, it's really good! or at least i hope so because they haven't been having rehearsals lately
- Pirates of Penzance, some Gilbert and Sullivan (Patience!) dealio that features my heretofore unknown sister Ashley getting busy with a pirate named Justin. no, i'm not in this one either
- Gemini, something I'm personally not in, but its really cool and Anthony Comis has a solo
- Cabaret, in all its prostitutional glory. i'm Cliff for about two seconds, its fun
- Rodgers-Hammerstein medley. so good
- Rent's Seasons of Love for all you Rent fanatics

so there we go. and bring a backup plan for wandering the streets of philadelphia because i'm not sure if tickets are available.


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