Friday, August 29, 2003

Alright, I'm back. I went to bed at 3:30. I woke up around 8 and COULD NOT fall back asleep. I redirected my fan on me (no AC in our dorm room), and that was a little better, but we look out onto 40th street, which is, in case you don't know a VERY FREAKING NOISY STREET!. So I started to doze off around 8:40, only to be waken by my alarm at 8:50, because we have to go to breakfast early enough so we can meet our peer advisors at 10:30.

Here's the main scoop. We got here at 8:15. One of my room mates (Adriana) had already moved in, so I took the medium room, which is plenty big.
My other room mates, Laura and Meghan, got the small rooms. They are both really nice. Adriana seems to have been abducted, b/c she left with her family around 3 and never came back.

I have to go get ready for breakfast! Later all!


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