Wednesday, November 05, 2003

What a great birthday. It got really good from about 8:05 to 8:40 tonight..

Imagine a graph of time versus force for the pulling of a wooden sled.

The start of the day - that is, up to 8:05 - would be like static friction on the graph. Force is being applied, but the sled's not moving yet - the day really hasn't gotten 'underway.' (Players being a notable exception.)

Then, from 8:05 to 8:40, the graph would be at its point of maximum static frictional force. The sled has started to move. The day has truly begun, things are happening. This is, not uncoincidentally, the highest point on the graph.

From 8:40 to right about now would be kinetic friction on the graph. The sled is moving. The day is moving along, quite nicely. This is a section of the graph that is on the whole higher than the static friction - its just plain better.



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