Saturday, December 07, 2002

ok i havent posted in a while (yes two days is a long time) i havent been online...or home...well real home, like where my real parents are. im pseudo home with extended pseudo family after winter ball which was actually a good time. i think its the first dance in a long long time that ive had a good time. danced a lot. attempted to talk a lot (did a little). gossip about scott, puking in the womens bathroom, etc. but my feet hurt like a bitch. i guess that comes from high heels, really high heels so i can be only half normal height instead of 1/4 of it....being in jimjams are a good thing too, comfiness! dont worry, no more cryptic things on the community blog (if i cant help it, its not my fault if i just cant explain my life)..but you cant stop me on my own blog! mwahahahahaha. or evil giggle, considering evil laughs out of me, sometimes just dont work =P. singing from downstairs...who could that be?

dont you hate it when you press sign out instead of post??


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