Saturday, January 18, 2003

on Heather's third floor again...except she's asleep and I don't have a Wyn to make my posts VERY dirty. Despite what my sidebar says, all that I talk about are not hot sex and monty. I have variety. I also rant about exams and make weird noises. And some other things too, I just can't remember.

So the anniversary dinner has become a couples' dinner. No biggie...we simply can fill the space we're using anyway. And perhaps eat all the food. And, yes, I'm disclosing this information because someone let on to what we're going to do. (Maggie thinks that someone is her...). Grocery shopping...

And I really want to talk with my sister! I'm sure something happened in the realm of boys (ok, so maybe this is all I'm talking about in this post...but it's more concerned with my sister's love life!) and she wanted to tell me...only she was in the shower when I called. I'm really excited. But then, you think about it...and you realize, wait, she's only 12! She's little! Ew! It's something that's been bothering me lately. I have all of these (what I thought were) romantic memories, and then I look back at how old I was and I realize I was 11, 12, and 13. And I think, I was little! Ew!


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