Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Ah, good movie. I love My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

Ready for history? Nope. I'll never be. All I can do is hope.

Stress. Stress. Stress. RELAX. Thank god for 4 day weekends, even if I have to stay after tomorrow and work on my block project. =/ Don't just love it when obligations sneak up on you?

We get to see Carmina Burana tomorrow! And I'm oddly excited. However, earlier in the day, I will have to sing it during Concert Choir. And I still can't sing. I'm so worried that I'll just never recover and I just won't be able to sing anymore.
I told my mom this and she said, "Madeleine, that's like thinking you'll wake up and suddenly be a different person." And I said, "But Mom, I'm afraid of that everyday."
"Well, it was SUPPOSED to be comforting. It would be to normal people."


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