Saturday, February 15, 2003

Ah stupid blog when comments don't show up. Yes, so Happy Day-After-Valentine's-Day because I didn't have a chance to post on the real day. So I'm deliriously tired, distgustingly full, and amazingly happy. It's all kinda a blur, but a very good blur just the same. A blur filled with movies, no sleep, and just happy things. Very good.

Funny story (although probably funnier if you had been there): So I'm SUPPOSED to go to Walnut today, and so my dad comes to pick me up at 8 am. And he does, and I get in the car to leave. Only we don't leave. We spend the next 10 minutes trying to get out of Wyn's driveway. And we still can't. So I go back, suprise everyone by the fact that I'm still there, and enlist all the boys and Katie (because she's just so muscular) to push the car. After about 5 tries, we get out, and we leave. Way to make an exit. Then after about 10 minutes on the road and we've only travelled 100 feet, my dad gives up, says we can't go to Walnut, and I can go back to Wyn's until we have to leave at 11. So I go back, suprise everyone again, and stay until 11, when everyone tries to leave and every single car that tries needs to be pushed out of the driveway. All in all it was an interesting experience. What happens on steep driveways when they get light powder.


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