Friday, February 21, 2003

The faculty musical was cute! Vic and Lampe's song was great! Lampe was good! It was sort of a tear (of the good nature). And yay to the boys who were in it too! Tillman was quite the Mac Daddy, and Jeff...high quality leaps, seriously. Nice strutting & posing in the muscle shirts, & good singing!

It felt strangely backwards for me to be sitting in the audience, watching the teachers perform. I wondered if the things I was paying attention to were the things other people notice when we're on stage.

I think I'm going to see it again tomorrow night, because my mom said she'll go if I go, and because I want Jamie to see it.

Muy bueno.

Ahhh, and Jimmy Crumlish could potentially win in nationals, in case anyone was wondering.


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