Thursday, February 20, 2003

i almost had a panic attack...the blog would not LOAD on my grandma's computer!! luckily, after a few tries it did, and i did not have to open a can of whoop-ass on the Dell. Anyway, I'm totally bummed because I am sitting here on my fat ass (ugh...we had chinese!) doing nothing but wishing i could go to the gym (cuz i sat around in the car all day...Deb, good thing you took the train) and then ate and sat around s'more.

I'm probably only 1/2 an hour away from y'all and my parents wouldn't let me go! Why? So I could sit here. They wanted me to see my cousins. However, my cousins and I don't really interact. So we all sat around (more) and watched Friends and Will and Grace, granted W&G is my fave show...i would have rather come to hang with you all! My sister was so bored she put cornrows in my hair...(u DON'T want to see those...)

Oh well...another time...


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