Thursday, February 20, 2003

my roommate has the uncanny ability to fall asleep in three seconds flat. she is currently on her bed snoring and looking cute. i like kris. she's nice.

i overslept and decided to go to class. good thing, because i apparently had a test in braodcast production. which i didn't study for at all, bullshitted completely, and probably got a C on. ::sigh:: at least i went, right?

and at exec today (board meeting for bsffa. fun stuff. really.) i got to interact with matt, tried not to blow up/cry at him, went back with everyone to nathan's room afterwards, and realized that i couldn't be in the same room with him. ::sigh::

have i mentioned that this is a big fat pile of suck?

luckily, i got extensions on all my papers, nothing is due now til monday, so i can spend more time figuring out my life and my situation. and sleeping. lots of sleeping. i still want your snow.


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