Thursday, February 06, 2003

hello fellow bloggers. kate is way bored. i am at school blogging. i have a hole in my pants. it's been there for thirty years. GODAMMIT. i am still missing my portfolio. 'tis no where to be found and i'm becoming more and more convinced that it could quite possibly be in new york. a;slkfj;aslkfj. shit. what is a starving artist to do!!

i found twelve bucks in my pants today during laurelei. what to do with it, what to do... now that i have cash i could do one or more of the following:
1. buy several cones of ice cream, each with three scoops of extremely fattening flavors (yess!!)
2. obtain several hundred packages of gum, every flavor, type, and style imaginable (except bubble yum. that's really hard and chewy but not in a pleasant-gum-chewing sort of way.)
3. hit up a thrift store for a pair of pants that don't have any holes in them
4. buy a couple of train tickets to distant lands to see friends from college we all know would make ss and cha much cooler if they were still here
5. buy an economy-sized bag of ping pong balls. oh the pranks one could pull...
6. save it. but that's boring and responsible
7. hmmm... that's enough

so yeah. twelve dollars to spend as frivolously as i want - oh the FREEDOM i feel rushing through my veins! oh hold me back, HOLD ME BACK!


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