Wednesday, February 05, 2003


Maybe? Maybe not. Sometimes I think my mom tries to tell me that I don't need to do so much with my life. She does, however, ALWAYS tell me that I need to read more often. I don't think you can command someone to read for this long at this time. It's a mood thing. Sometimes, I get really into a book and finish in 2 days. Sometimes it takes me 2 weeks. And that's because my mom's commanding me to read, and so I go up into my room, shut the door, put the book on my bed so it looks like I was reading, and exercise, draw, or write. Sneaky, eh? Right.

I'm very upset about the comments missing. I missed most of them!! *tear*

And for "What Weezer Song Are You?", I'm Island in the Sun. Not too shabby.


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