Saturday, February 01, 2003

I've gotta say that I've gotton really really into poetry lately. In my new english class : Other Americas, we're reading Langston Hughs.. who is very good, and recently I have also started reading Emily Dickinson... who is amazzzing.. theres just something about poetry.. if its written really well.. its strikes you right at the heart, you can relate to it.. and the language realllly appeals to your mind and... wellll your heart... i guess this sounds pretty cheesy, but im seriously getting hooked... songs are poetry in themselves.. enhanced with amazing chords and sounds... one of the best kinds of poetry there is.. hmmmm anyways.. here's one of my favorites:

I have no life but this,
To lead it here;
Nor any death, but lest
Dispelled from there;

Nor tie to earths to come,
Nor action new
Except through this extent,
The realm of you.

~Emily Dickinson



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