Wednesday, February 26, 2003

So, my autobiography will not be about my entire life, because I know there is no way to sum it up in five chapters. It will be a bunch of stories, preferably about the more interesting bits and pieces. For my first chapter, I'm writing about my dad. Oh yeah, a blast. But interesting. I honestly don't even have passing thoughts about him during my day, so it's weird to be thinking about him. Oh well.

Tom: If you don't post the story from lunch by...midnight...I'm gonna have to say that your posting rights have expired!

Rachel: If you want to fit your life into 20-30 pages, you'll have to summarize quite a bit.

I'm pretty sure I had something blogworthy, about which I made a mental note. Blog this later, I told myself. As you can see, I must've been out of mental yellow sticky notes.


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