Thursday, February 06, 2003

Today, at the beginning of english class, before everyone was there, I was sitting at my desk and Alex White, with a stapler in hand, came and stood in front of where I was sitting and proceeded to ask me what, out of the various things that were on my desk, he could staple. First he asked if he could staple my english folder. "I mean, come on," he tried to reason, "what are you gonna do? Sell it back to the place you bought it?"
"Yes," I said, hoping he'd leave me alone.
"Ok." He tried again, this time asking if he could staple my assignment book.
"No," I told him. His eyes got wide(er than usual), and he asked if he could staple my bag. When I said no, he said "So you're not one of those punk people who like to staple things and draw on their shoes?"
Then, under his breath, he muttered "what the fuck is your problem?"
Gee, I was thinking of asking him the same question, but decided against it because he had something that could, in the hands of someone as strange as he, be used as a weapon. Finally he left me alone, and found his next target (Lydia).
He continued to play with the stapler for about 10 minutes into the class, until Mrs. Hill, somewhat frightened, asked him to put it down.

[edit] I think he actually mentioned something about stapling me, too. Yeah. He needs to stay away from me, I'm honestly frightened by him.


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