Sunday, February 02, 2003

Which Rock Chick Are You?

i don't know what the hell this targeting nonsense is.

the weekend has been excellent. no hw except reading, which is skippbale. went to bed every night at 6am. or later. i love you, no commitments. woke up at 8.45 am today, in bridget's bed, with cancer sweat all over me. most likely caused by sharing a bed with cancer. bridget's bed. bridget was not there. so much bed hopping was there this weekend... we also established that my tummy is my own, but my breasts belong to everyone. i'm pretty sure that this is sad for me. cancer and russ have also decided to start a "we haven't seen m'ris' boobies" club. don't ask me why my boobies are such converstaion topics around here, they just are. it was alos revealed that i am the in house member that the most other members of bsffa want to see naked. ::twitches:: i KNOW that's poor for me.

kris and i also went to mitsuwa, and we now have enough seaweed to last us a month. only a month.


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