Saturday, February 08, 2003

Yeah. So I haven't blogged in a while. Not like I was out or anything...nope...just sitting on my couch, in a blanket, watching TV with a sore throat that forced me to grip the side of the couch when I was going to swallow, a stuffy nose, achy body, and fever of 101.7. But I couldn't go online. Why? Because I was going to "contaminate the den". Until now, I was quaranteed in the downstairs den. Now my rents are out and I'm taking over again. My room, that is, (oo I'm so bad), because my dad just informed me before he left that online now works on my computer. YAY!

So now I'm in my room, eating pudding, while you're all at GFS night. And I am SO bitter. I hate missing out on my life. Sure, I didn't miss any school. But I did miss a good snow day, Walnut, Driver's Ed (and now I have to make it up), and GFS night. SO bitter. Sometimes I wish I could just hit pause until I was ready for it to move forward again. Pity.

However, to look at the brighter side of things, I did watch almost a complete season of the Osbornes in the past 2 days, so I'm an expert. And I'm feeling just so much better right now, and I'm not even on any drugs. Fever is almost all gone, sore throat is a lot less, and just a bit stuffy. AND I finished all my homework for the weekend (because I'm just so cool), so mayhaps tomorrow I can see Monty.

I wish you all the best of luck tonight! Bon chance! Knock 'em dead! (to be read in a British accent)


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