Monday, March 03, 2003

can we scratch my earlier post about today being a good day? it's ended up kind of sucking. let's start:
1.) Deb was not happy today, which makes me sad
2.) one of my other friends broke up w/ her boyfriend yesterday so she was crying all day
3.) I found out today that a classmate was supposed to give me an assignment on Friday which entails an essay...DUE TOMORROW
4.) I had a nervous breakdown tonite... in front of 20 random people... had to do with random things on my mind, but now they make sense, so i guess that's okay
5.) I almost got grounded for leaving the garage door open, so my dad made me a deal...instead of being grounded i had to write "i will shut the garage door" 100 times
6.) I could be in BIG trouble for something else....i didn't do anything, but because of other stupid edgemont kids, i may be in trouble. We'll see. This whole waiting part is the worst, because I have no idea what could happen...i can't disclose info now, but when it happens i'll update. I've never even had detention and let's just say this is way worse than detention...


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