Sunday, March 09, 2003

Due to popular demand, I'm posting my new song. Please give me feedback!!
Followed (By Your Silhouette) -thanks for picking the title!!

With every step I take
I become more aware
Of the icy chill that
Seems to be stuck in the air
The winter makes me shiver
But when the summer comes
I freeze

I pause and take a breath
To help my clear my mind
But the breath is cold
And it sends chills down my spine
I wish the warmth of the sun
Could melt the ice that's
Conquered my heart

But the sun in July
Ignites a fire within my soul
The star filled nights
No longer shine
Because the sun is the warmth
Of your hands upon my skin
And the stars are your eyes
And they never stop watching me

I'm haunted by your presence
The wind is your breath
Always at my back
A constant tingling on my neck
I'm longing for the day
When the wind is just
A breeze


Each shadow cast upon the ground
Is a copy of your shape
I'm followed by your silhouette
But if I turn to find you
Standing there behind me
I turn my face to nothing
Just a passing whisper of you



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