Thursday, March 06, 2003

Erynn compared a fetus to a wart today in math class. Oh Erynn, that made you sound so wise.

Let me explain. Coop didn't have much to teach us (he's taught us two days of material and has decided we're ready for another graded item, even though we had one I think two days ago), so instead of just letting us leave like normal teachers would, he decided to keep us so we could argue political issues.


I completely and utterly despise arguing political issues. And abortion is one of the worst ones to argue.
1) Arguing about it in math class won't change it.
2) Everyone tries to prove that their point is right, while not swaying anyone with a different opinion.
3) It's useless.
4) Someone will get mad if they are attacked, but won't think twice to attack someone else with a differing opinion.

Thus, I sat there, quiet most of the time. Other people don't need to know where I stand. I'm not for abortion anytime how ever many times someone wants to get one, so they can use it as birth control, but I'm not totally opposed to it.

Then, to make it better, he had to get into the death penalty. Another one I love arguing (although, admittedly, I'd rather talk about that than abortion). He said he'd rather have people sit in solitary confinement, but that if something happened to one of his loved ones, he'd offer to execute them himself.

"Things that make you go 'hmm'."

I will give him credit where credit is due, though. He wasn't an asshole about his opinions. He did play devil's advocate and argue opposing sides, but for a little bit I couldn't really tell what his views were. He didn't try to shove his points down anyone's throat, and he stayed calm.

Other than that, I may have fallen asleep in english today. Do you ever start to doze off, and when you come to you're not sure if you were actually asleep or not? Well, that was my case.

Now I must go read five sections for chem (we have a test tomorrow).

Today needed to be Friday in the worst way.


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