Tuesday, March 18, 2003

i DEFINITELY had a "case of the mondays" today!! goodness gracious! ha ha...left for school at 8 am and i didn't return to my house until 9:30...delicious!

and when i did return, i returned to a project due tomorrow (that i hadn't started yet) and two tests to study for and a short story to write, BLECH.

And now that I finished my project, i think...(the research at least, I'll BS it tomorrow...) I am procrastinating studying! So i decided to post a quote that a friend told me today:

"Uncomfortable silences...... Why do we feel the need to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable. Thats when you know you've found someone special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute, and comfortably share silence."
~Pulp Fiction

never seen the movie, but it had to do with a convo we were having. it's good tho.



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