Thursday, April 10, 2003

Free period. Woohoo!
It seemed sort of pointless to go down to SS since we have an assembly up here next period...

So today's been pretty easy. Mr. Stein had a meeting so we didn't have an hour of bio, and then we didn't have study hall. So I spent that free getting my Orly fix for the day =). (Go check out the new Pirates of the Caribbean trailer - soo cool!).

And now...I suppose I'll go do homework...fuuun...

Oh, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets comes out on video tomorrow. Feel free to rent it and come save me from doing block project work tomorrow night.

::edit:: To all of you this applies to: Just keep breathing. It's all going to work out. I promise. :) and if it doesn't, feel free to hold me personally responsible.


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