WOO! So you all know how the blog went haywire and we were part spanish? Well, I followed a link to another blog, which was in spanish, left a comment (which was "Haha!") on a post, and the person commented on mine! :-D
I've been called fat at least twice today. First by Rachel. Here's how the conversation went...
Me: "Julia has the same prom dress as me!!"
Rachel: "Well, you're bigger than her."
Me: "Thanks! :/"
Rachel: "NO! I meant so you could beat her up!!"
Me: "Suuuuure."
I'm reading the spanish blog. It's quite fun!
So yes, alas. Julia has the same dress as me. Mine's not returnable though. Harumph.
Other than that, the two most exciting things of the day were that when I took the train (which I'd thought I'd missed, but it was just late), Hannah (from 10th grade) was there with her dad and a minivan to drive anyone who wanted a ride to school, and that Lampe let us out of double chem before even the 5th period bell rang. That's a first, and probably a last!
Oh, and I worked out finally! I did the EFX, because I decided I'm going to stop running, for the same reason I'm going to stop doing the chest press. I didn't have much time, but I did it for 17 minutes, and did some weights. Except crunches, which are really what I need to do most. I know I could do them at home, but I only get motivated to do them when there's exercise equipment around.
[edit] AHH! Look! In the spanish blog, it's ::drumroll:: imperfect subjunctive, which is what we learned today in spanish class (yes, she actually taught us)!!
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