Monday, September 08, 2003

Tonight I auditioned for OTB and Quaker Notes. Quaker Notes is an all girls group, and they're good. Of course...I'm DYING to be in OTB. They seemed pretty impressed. I hope I get in!!! Both had me do scales, but QN had me do scales as high and low as I could go...OTB just had me go kinda high. I sang St. Theresa by Joan Osborne (just the first verse and chorus). Both groups also had me do the random note thing (they play random notes, I sing them). I did well on both of those, except for the last one for OTB, for which I totally screwed up the last note. Tomorrow I have auditions for the Penny Loafers (like OTB but slightly less energetic), Dischord (co-ed a capella...I think they're a community service group...I haven't heard them sing but I hear they're good), and Counterparts (co-ed Jazz & pop group...pretty good).

If I get into OTB I'll be as excited as I was when I got into college.


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