Monday, September 29, 2003

tonite i went to a weakerthans show. it ruled.

in further news, i came home to discover that i have recieved a bid from Theta Pi Gamma, a local sorority on campus. (for all you non greeks, a bid is a small piece of paper with a very lengthy invitation from a greek organization that essentially says " hey! we like j00! pl33z j0in our group!")

I may end up being the world's most un-sorority-like sorority girl. (theta, for the record, was rumored to be MTVs first choice during the first season of sorority life.)

it does mean i have to miss the nada surf/ozma/reputation show. i'm not sure how i feel about that.

i also recieved word that i am supposed to write the Kill Hannah review for the school paper. the show was fri. i found out sun night. it's due tues. bleah. (if you like placebo, TOM, you'll like kill hannah. go to their website and find music.)


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