Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Well it's been forever and a day since I last posted, but it's time to change all that. Between school and players, girls and Hilltones, I've finally come to the conclusion that junior year isn't going to be nearly as hard as it's been made out to be by some of our closer friends. Things are just going so well right now, and if it was up to me, not many things would change.

Hilltones finally learned A Cappella over at Choir Camp, which was really important as it's the opening piece for every concert we do. Anthony made an excellent choice in slowing it down, because no matter how you look at it, we raced that song last year, like seriously made it fly. The new tempo is good, and consistent. Skyler, Jimmy, Anthony, and Pat have the solos with Jeff providing that rich alto sound for the opening 'duet' and yours truely going 'Hey, hey!'.

Players is going to be deep. And I've got a monologue the size of a fucking rhinosaurus. Skyler has to find a way to change characters in one line, but that'll probably be remedied or slowed, or something. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do players, I'm nowhere near talented enough.

And school...hmm...I'm in slow, but entertaining classes; a good enviornment for me. My art will pick up again once the fucking tech-guys at Springside decide to install Bryce 5/Bryce Lighting, a little program that'll let me sabotage the lab by creating a render farm...I'll post the image once it's finished.

So I guess that's about it for right now. Phew...I feel better.


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