Saturday, January 18, 2003

Okay, okay, I'm done with the depressingness on my life having to do with this blog, because it doesn't help, and you all have been really great with it. But fear not, I'll leave well enough alone and be done with it.

I've heard about sleeping "phases", such as one, two, three, and four. Each depends on how asleep you really are, and what will bring you out of that phase. But now that I think about it, I don't think I've gotten much "phase four" sleep, ever. I mean, for serious. Look at this:

Last night/this morning:
1 hour of phase one, just to get to phase two, three, and four.
About 5 hours of phase four.
My mom wakes me up, enter phase three.
She talks to me, and expects comprehensible answers, enter phase two.
But then she leaves, so phase two stays around for a while. Phase two consists of me having okay speech patterns, but not knowing who or what I'm talking to.
Mom leaves, enter phase three.
Phone rings, but phase three is still present, so I don't remember who or what was on the phone.
Phone rings some more. Same instances as above.
Meds from when my mom was talking to me (phase two also consists of not knowing what goes into your mouth) kick in.

What a night, lol.


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