Monday, February 03, 2003

Wow. Long time no post. What have I been doing? Nothing really...Saturday was Walnut, Driver's Ed, and malling and movieing (spelling?) with Heather. Sunday was the Home Show...and meeting of peoples from Trading Spaces!!! And getting autographs. And text messaging.

Don't you love it when someone IM's you and you know the only reason is because they have no one else to talk to and you're their last result?

I want to go to the Ben and Jerry's factory in Vermont. If I could invent and ice cream flavour...peanut butter M&M...or Caramel Caramel and chocolate chip cookie dough rolled into one... like half baked and Karamel Sutra. Or what about sugar babies ice cream or milk duds? Mmmmm...But I'd have to think of a good name for it.

Did you know that the pastry Churros is actually named after sheep? What is it with pastries being named after animals? Bear claws, elephant ears...


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