Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Funny Story!

So I went to the supermarket (A&P) for my mom tonite, being the good daughter I am. I got all the groceries and I finished loading them into my car, it was about 9:40. It was freezing outside and I was only wearing a t-shirt and a hoodie. I was too cold to run the cart back up to the market, so I placed it so that it wouldn't roll down the hill.

I was about to get in my car, and it started inching. I watched it and figured it would stop. It didn't. The cart continued to roll towards the main street (central ave.) and was going towards the huge pile of snow, so I figured it would crash into the pile. However, as it neared the big mountain, it veered out of the way and towards Central Ave. I stared open mouthed as the cart rolled over the speed bump and into the middle of Central Ave. Horrified, I jumped into my car and drove away.



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