Saturday, April 12, 2003

This morning my alarm went off at five of seven. Yep, 6:55. Earlier than I get up for school. Why? Because I had a doctor's appointment out in ambler, for my foot. For my foot which stopped hurting me after I took some pain killers for my back. But Thursday night when I touched it, it still hurt. This morning when I touched it, it didn't hurt. But to be safe, my mom said we should go anyway. They said I had a 7:45 appointment. When we got there at 7:45, the place was locked. My mom knocked and knocked, and finally someone let us in. Even though they had told us the appointment was at 7:45, it was really at 8. They were trying to make sure we'd be on time, so as not to make the doctor late with the rest of her appointments. That's pretty mean. And all the doctor told me was that if I'll be walking around a lot, I should wear sneakers, not flip flops. And she gave me a couple pieces of paper with foot stretches.

We got home at 8:45, and I went back to sleep. I woke up at 10:30. Too early, I thought, I'll get up at 11 and go to set crew. When I woke up again, it was 12, too late to go to set crew, and I was still waiting for the coffee and fries I'd ordered in my dream.

Alas. I will have to go to set crew on Monday. Now I have two chapters in my autobiography to write, and a voice lesson at 3:30.

[edit] I'm pretty sure my mom'll let me go to Scarsdale!!


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