Sunday, October 05, 2003

Wow right, so, I haven't posted here in ages but... Hi guys! I hope life's going well, it certainly is here!
But what I really wanted to say was... tonight there was this Midnight Theatre on campus, which was made up of some really drunken skits performed for a group of mostly drunken people. Wasn't the best. BUT... The show opened with a Reedie Band called Super Big Milkshake, or something like that, and the song they played was.... Debra! It brought back memories, especially since I was the only one in the audience singing. Well, whatever.

And speaking of bands, what band is coming to Reed's Harvest Ball on the first of November? Yes, that's right, They Might Be Giants is coming. Wow.

And my day today was brightened by a postcard with a picture of the Pennsylvania Turnpike on the front. Thanks Sue!


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